Access Credit Union will be opening Director Elections in April for three vacancies (details to follow).
As per The Credit Unions and Caisses Populaires Act (the “Act”), business members of the Credit Union must appoint a representative to cast a vote on behalf of the organization. All Corporate Resolutions must be received by Thursday, March 27, 2025 at 12:00 p.m. Complete the form now.

Community Investment

Helping Communities Thrive

Access Credit Union has a rich history of giving back to our community. We support a variety of community events, projects, and programs that contribute to the social, economic, and environmental well-being of the communities where we live and work. Our core values include a donation policy, as well as many hours of employee volunteerism in various community organizations and events.
Where you need us to be, in your community.
Each community has unique needs, so we carefully select donation and sponsorship opportunities that support our seven areas of interest: Arts and Culture, Education, Environment. Health and Welfare, Sports and Recreation, Youth & Senior Support and local Economic Development. 
We are committed to strengthening our communities by supporting organizations, charities, and events that share the values of our members, employees, and communities.

Learn more about our Community Investment criteria:

In awarding investment, particular consideration is given to:

  • Non-profit and charitable organizations
  • Member organizations
  • Innovative projects which engage in one or more of the following activities:
    • Capital projects
    • Contributing to strengthening the community, especially by encouraging the participation of diverse groups and individuals
    • Building effective partnerships within the community
As an organization, we are restricted from providing funding toward the following:

  • Organizational operations funding
  • Deficit reduction
  • Retroactive funding

No donations are permitted to individuals, political parties, advocacy groups, public relations firms, activists, lobbyists, or organizations previously convicted of fraud, involved in illegal activities, or have questionable financial management.

Apply for a sponsorship or donation

We are now accepting new sponsorship and donation requests. Please log in to the application portal to submit your request.

Please note that as our community team strives to respond to requests in a timely manner, we encourage 3-4 weeks notice to ensure we have the appropriate time to review and respond to requests. Deadline for requests are December 1 of each year.

3 Siloam365x170

Siloam Mission

Volunteer Day
4 Stars365x170


Community Golf Tournament
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Habitat for Humanity

Group Build
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Smile Cookies 

with Tim Horton's
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