Access Credit Union will be opening Director Elections in April for three vacancies (details to follow).
As per The Credit Unions and Caisses Populaires Act (the “Act”), business members of the Credit Union must appoint a representative to cast a vote on behalf of the organization. All Corporate Resolutions must be received by Thursday, March 27, 2025 at 12:00 p.m. Complete the form now.

Focused Funding Grant

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Focused Funding Grant – 2025 | School Nutrition and Wellness

This year the Focused Funding Grant will provide opportunity for all K-12 Public schools throughout Manitoba to promote wellness and nutrition for students across the province. 

In 2024 the provincial government announced funding to all Manitoba schools to supplement meal and snack programs. This generous support allows our schools to ensure students have the fuel they need to succeed.

Some schools, however, do not have adequate facilities to accommodate meal programs such as refrigerators, freezers, counter space, and other kitchen equipment and space. 

Access wants to help our schools to ensure a successful program. We know that by working with our local schools we can help build something great, improve student life, and foster a strong school community.

Grant Details 

Application Conditions

·       Projects must be pre-approved by the respective school division, providing a letter of support.

·       Must be a Public School located in Manitoba. An application may only include one eligible school (one application per school).

·       Must be completed in full and a letter of support provided by the school principal or vice principal.

*A public school is defined as a school within a school division that is governed by a publicly elected school board.




1.     The project must enhance the school in;

a.     Health

b.     Wellness

c.     Culture

d.     Education

Note: priority will be given to kitchen enhancement projects to help support the snack and meal programming. However, all projects will be reviewed and considered beyond that.

2.     Must help support the school in the long term.

3.     Must provide full project details and budget for the project

Note: Will consider funding 100% of the project.

Who Can Apply?

·       Parent Advisory Committees

·       School Administration

·       Teachers

·       School Divisions


Grant Amount
  • Funding up to $25,000 for 10 schools


·       Application submission opens on March 1

·       Application submission closes June 1

·       Successful schools will be contacted in the fall, followed by a public announcement. 


Applications Now Open!

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