ATM Outage in Pine Falls
Please note that due to an unforeseen outage, our Pine Falls location's ATM will be down for this weekend. Thank you for your understanding. 

Access and Crosstown Civic Credit Union Merger Vote Announced

MB – Following the temporary orders recently announced by the provincial government concerning ongoing business during the COVID-19 pandemic, the Boards of both Access and Crosstown Civic Credit Union are announcing their intention to facilitate the previously postponed member vote on the
proposed merger from June 23rd to June 25th.

On Thursday, May 14th, the Government of Manitoba introduced new orders under The Emergency Measures Act that would temporarily provide businesses with the ability to hold their member meetings and conduct their voting by means of telephone, electronic or other communication facilities. These provisions will allow both Access Credit Union and Crosstown Civic Credit Union to maximize member participation in this important vote while maintaining the health and safety of both members and staff through social distancing.

“When we postponed our original vote on March 19th, it was to take reasonable action while fully supporting our members' well-being, knowing that we would reschedule the vote when it was appropriate to do so.” shared Curt Letkeman, Chair of the Board of Directors for Access Credit Union. “These new measures demonstrate support for moving ahead to a vote with our respective memberships.”

Ingrid Loewen, Board Chair for Crosstown Civic Credit Union added, “We now have an opportunity to reschedule the Special Meeting of Members and Vote on the proposed Merger to which both Boards are tremendously supportive. The COVID-19 pandemic has further strengthened the importance of this merger for the future of our combined credit unions.”
More information on the details of this vote will be shared shortly.
Canada - Monday | May 25, 09:17 PM
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