Access Credit Union will be opening Director Elections in April for three vacancies (details to follow).
As per The Credit Unions and Caisses Populaires Act (the “Act”), business members of the Credit Union must appoint a representative to cast a vote on behalf of the organization. All Corporate Resolutions must be received by Thursday, March 27, 2025 at 12:00 p.m. Complete the form now.


Where you need us to be, now and into your future

Whether you’re saving for something big or small, building on your income, or simply just planning ahead, we’ve got a savings plan that fits your needs.

Ask our staff about the Save the Change option to save while you spend! 


All deposits are guaranteed without limit by the Deposit Guarantee Corporation of Manitoba.

Grow Savings 
A beginner’s account with incentives to help kids learn how to start saving.

  • Designed for members aged 0 to 19
  • No monthly fee
  • Unlimited transactions
  • Special interest rate on first $2000 deposited
Daily Savings

A handy savings account for your simple transactional needs.

  • A basic savings account that allows you to save at your own pace
  • 5 free withdrawals per month
  • Low transaction fees
  • Interest calculated daily, paid monthly

If you're an Access member you can open a new Daily Savings account by logging into online banking.

Platinum Savings 

Tiered savings rates, best suited for larger, long-term savings goals.

  • Great for long-term saving
  • The higher the balance, the higher the rate of return
  • Includes 1 free withdrawal per month
  • Interest calculated on the minimum monthly balance, paid monthly

If you're an Access member you can open a new Platinum account by logging into online banking.
Premium Savings 

High interest savings account.

  • The flexibility of a basic savings account plus exceptional interest rate
  • High returns on deposits without locking them in to a term
  • Includes 2 free withdrawals per month
  • Interest calculated daily, paid monthly

If you're an Access member you can open a new Premium Savings account by logging into online banking.

Ability Savings
Easy, no-fee banking for members who may need a bit more financial freedom.

  • No monthly fee
  • No transaction fees
  • No age requirement
  • Can be set up with or without guardianship
  • Interest calculated daily, paid monthly
U.S. Dollar Savings 

Save funds in US Dollars.

  • No monthly fee
  • No minimum balance required
  • Interest earned is paid in U.S. dollars

Save the Change 

  • Round-up your debit card purchases to the nearest dollar into a savings account. Those pennies add up your know..
  • For example, you buy a slushie (or two) for $3.24 at the fairground. $0.76 would then be posted to your associated savings account, rounding up the purchase to $4.00. The 0.76 would then earn higher interest than your chequing account and you are one step closer to your savings goal.
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