Access Credit Union will be opening Director Elections in April for three vacancies (details to follow).
As per The Credit Unions and Caisses Populaires Act (the “Act”), business members of the Credit Union must appoint a representative to cast a vote on behalf of the organization. All Corporate Resolutions must be received by Thursday, March 27, 2025 at 12:00 p.m. Complete the form now.

Student Chequing

Monthly Fee $0.00
Eligibility Full-time students (any age)*
Interest Calculated N/A
Interest Paid N/A
In-Branch Withdrawals $0.75
In-Branch Bill Payments** $1.25
Cheque Clearing $0.75
Electronic Transfers Free
Online Bill Payments Free
INTERAC® e-Transfers
MB CU ATM Access Free
Debit Card Purchases Free

* A full-time student will be defined as someone taking 18 credit hours or three full courses per semester. Proof of enrolment is required.
**Not included in monthly package benefits. Collabria credit card payments and federal/provincial government agency payments waived.

Note: Limit 2 accounts per membership of full service/$0 monthly fee products.

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